AMU 2022 Symposium
On June 14-16, 2022 in St. Louis, Missouri,
over 100 Faculty, Staff, and Administration attended this AMU Sponsored Symposium.
Below are the presentations, outcomes, future projects and other resources that will be useful to our three Marianist Universities.
Our Promise and Purpose
Assessing the Signs of our Times
Responding to the Needs of Our World in a Marianist Way
Symposium Overview and
Donor Appreciation
AMU Symposium Memories 2022
Selected Symposium Speaker Texts
Dustyn Ragasa
Religious Studies
Chaminade University of Honolulu
"Given Our Promise and Purposes, How Can We Respond to the Changing Complexities of Laying The Foundation for Engaging Future Generations of Students and Educators?"
(read more)
Kelly Bohrer
The Ethos Center
University of Dayton
“Birth Pangs of Social Transformation: A Talk for the AMU Symposium”
(read more)
Todd Hanneken
Theology Department
St. Mary’s University
“Responding to the Collective Angst in the Human Heart”
(read more)
"Charism" and Crisis
Homily at closing Eucharist
"Years ago, when I was the provost at UD, a retired university administrator
told me that I should never let a crisis go to waste. Why? Because crises, he said,
“create new opportunities.” The crises we have been discussing at this meeting are
not only important, they are also difficult to address. What opportunities do they
create? Given that there are so many crises—environmental degradation, human
trafficking, racism, poverty, war, and the lack of respect for all living beings—to
name only a few, to how many of these should we respond? As members of
university communities, what competencies do we have to respond? In a world so
disfigured by greed, violence, egotism and war, what kind of difference, really, can
we make? " (read more)