Resources Forum

Marianist Resources

North American Center for Marianist Studies (NACMS)
NACMS provides resources to people interested in the Marianist Family and to Marianist ministries. Through programs, publications, research, and a special library collection, NACMS strives to link the vision of the Marianist Founders to the contemporary Church and world.

Visit NACMS >>

Map of Marianists Around the World
Members of the Marianist Family can be found in all corners of the world. This map identifies Marianist communities of education, service and mission, in places including the U.S., France, India, Japan and more.

View the map of Marianists around the world >>

Directory of SM Marianist Education
Here you can find contact locations and contact information for Marianist Education organizations around the world.

View the directory of SM Marianist Education >>


NEW:  Fratelli Tutti,  Encyclical Letter On Fraternity and Social Friendship, by Pope Francis

Community and Civic Engagement in Catholic and Marianist Universities by Bro. Ray Fitz, SM, PhD, Candice Sakuda, Kelly Bohrer, Clare Acosta Matos

Themes in the Marianist Higher Education Tradition by Gerald O’Neil, SM, PhD

Essay on Organizational Culture by William J. Campbell, SM, EdD

The Context of the Marianist Educational Charism by Fr. David J. Fleming, SM

A Marianist Moment: Reflection on Integral, Quality Education by David Anderson, Religious Studies, Chaminade University

The Marianist Spirit, A Response to the Educational Challenges of Our Time by Manuel José Cortés, SM, XIV Superior General, Society of Mary (Marianists)

Education in the Family Spirit by Michael Fassiotto, former Director, Graduate Services, Chaminade University

Characteristics of Marianist Education – Provide an Integral, Quality Education by Peggy Friedman, Marketing, Chaminade University, retired

Integral Quality Education: Reflection Update by Peggy Friedman, Marketing, Chaminade University, retired

Characteristics of Marianist Education – Educate in the Family Spirit by Sharon LePage, Director, Library, Chaminade University

Educate for Service, Justice and Peace by Sharon LePage, Director, Library, Chaminade University

Education for Adaptation and Change by Larry Osborne, retired Provost, Chaminade University



A Marianist's Story
Bro. Raymond Fitz

Marianist Values for Staff
Steven R. Neiheisel, PhD

Marianist Values for Supervisors
Steven R. Neiheisel, PhD

Organizational Ombudsman’s Office
Steven R. Neiheisel, PhD

Teaching as a Vocation
Steven R. Neiheisel, PhD

Mussidan Modules Video Series