Testimonials and Interviews -- Students, Faculty, Staff and Administration
Andrew Moyer, Junior, Communication major with certificate in Group Facilitation and Leadership, University of Dayton
For me I think this is a very important question, and the question that I think more of us should ponder more often. What I mean by that is I think as we move forward, we need to continue to remember that our choices sometimes cannot be just for us, but for the betterment of the community around us. One of the choices that I have made for the betterment of our community is serve on the University of Dayton’s Spring 2021 Activities Planning Committee. During my time on this committee, the biggest focus that I had was to plan edifying and safe activities for students on campus that they could enjoy, especially during the time of COVID-19. Some of the activities that I helped plan were Winter Wonderland, which was the implementation and execution of the temporary ice rink on Stuart Field, and a food truck rally in C Lot. The mindset that I had when thinking of activities was to plan events that students could enjoy safely, and still learn about the community that we so often talk about at UD. For me, this also impacts the general morale and mental health of our students on campus. This committee was formed with the goal in mind to have more in-person activities for students on campus. Having more in-person activities gave students the ability to be out of their rooms and conversing in dialogue which is so important for growth of a person and our campus. I strongly believe that when you are blessed to be in a position to voice the concerns of others, that you take the opportunity to better the community for others.