Testimonials and Interviews -- Students, Faculty, Staff and Administration

Elijah Abramo, Senior, Business Administration major, Chaminade University 

A choice that I believe has made the most positive difference is a choice I make everyday. It is to be open-minded and enthusiastic about seemingly random opportunities.

Although, I wasn’t always so flexible. During my senior year of high school I was so tunnel-visioned that I only applied to one school. When that school conditionally accepted me, I assumed everything was going to be alright and ignored all other possibilities. Namely, I ignored my priest’s offer of a 50% scholarship to Chaminade University. But when I was later rejected from my go-to school based on a poor grade, my attitude completely flipped. After that I learned to never rule anything out.

My newfound openness and enthusiasm meant that my college career was so much more colorful than I expected. I’d never had imagined I’d pretend to snort cocaine on a stage, or present a report to a CEO or design the pages in a personal finance guide. Despite lacking the background for those projects people asked me to help because I always showed interest no matter what.

Each of those experiences have built on each other to make me who I am today. My time in the Chaminade theatre productions developed my quick thinking, presentation skills, and artistry. Campus Ministry Fourth Nights brought out my leadership and faith. Even attending just a few meetings in the Interior Design Professional Resource Organization taught me how to effectively organize. Every small experience has built a spark in me and some have grown into a flame for the Chaminade community, and for that I’m blessed.