The Journey of Faith
Brother Tom Giardino, SM, Executive Director
“There are no proofs for the existence of the God of Abraham, there are only witnesses.”
This insight by the Jewish theologian, Abraham Joshua Heschel, continues to challenge me in my own journey of faith. It is also a source for the theme of this Newsletter that explores the question, “How has the experience at your university affected the journey of your faith life?”
Why is this important for a Marianist university? I recently read an article whose title posed an existential question: “Will Catholic universities survive the upheaval in higher education? The next 10 years will tell.” The author’s bottom line is that intentionality and authenticity about mission and identity will make the difference. One of the Characteristics of Marianist Universities [CMU] is “Formation in Faith.” It is central to our mission and identity. Hence, faith journeys are vital.
Our Newsletter showcases faculty and staff as witnesses to their colleagues and students and students who are witnesses to their peers and their educators. These interviews move the words from the CMU to real people’s real lives…what finally matters. As Marianist Awardee Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ once wrote, “‘Religions die when their lights fail,’ that is, when their teachings no longer illuminate life as it is actually lived by their adherents…. Where people experience God as still having something to say, the lights stay on.”
I pray that these interviews and the content of the rest of our Newsletter will enhance and enlighten your own journey.
Bro. Tom