Interviews with Students, Faculty, Staff and Administration: Yukio Ozaki
Professor, Fine Arts, Chaminade University of Honolulu
Beginning his teaching career at Chaminade University was also a lesson to Yukio Ozaki in learning about people who live to support others in community. Prior to that point, his life had been a constant struggle for personal success and the concept of community was remote and worth pursuing only when convenient. He credits the Marianists for saving him by accepting him and helping him understand that every person is valued. His teaching style gradually changed from the way he had been taught to a new goal of preparing classes to bring out the best in his students. Ozaki makes no promises regarding their artistic talents but acknowledges that their personalities will influence their artwork and they will begin to discover who they are. He lives that in his own art and encourages his students to discover and share their talents to bring joy to others. For the future, he hopes that people will continually remind themselves to be true to the core values of community and help others — especially the marginalized —find