Testimonials and Interviews — Students, Faculty, Staff and Administration: Maimoa Fineisaloi
Maimoa Fineisaloi, Campus Minister, Chaminade University
Working in Campus Ministry, it is part of Maimoa's ministry to accompany people on their own journeys of faith. Her work and her interactions with students have led her to the realization that there is a fine line between claiming to be a person of faith and practicing it. It is an investment of time, but also essential to her ministry with young adults, that she knows who she is and what she believes and that she practices her faith daily. Her discussions with students are a constant reminder of her own accountability as a person of faith and they challenge her to live her life in a way that aligns with what she says she believes, rooted in the teachings of the Church. These past few years have engendered many conversations with students who are profoundly concerned about the state of the Church and with people not living up to the values they claim to support. She is conscious of this dichotomy between words and actions and she encourages herself and others to challenge, not the institution, but the people to be authentic and to continue in the formation of their conscience. Working at Chaminade University means that she can also motivate and support students in thinking critically about issues that matter, especially issues that affect the vulnerable and the marginalized.